Currently, Essential Families has 91 Digital Navigators.
Essential Digital Equity Program
Community Partner Overview and Application
Our Essential Digital Equity Program has hit "critical mass", with 1415 low income, aging population, incarcerated, veterans, disabilities, language barriers, racial and ethnics, and rural inhabitant clients (covered population) on our waitlist.
Essential Families is seeking “qualified” Community Partners to assist with serving our 1415 covered population waitlist, and closing the Digital Divide in rural and urban communities, across the United States.
Our Essential Digital Equity Program is designed and built to stabilize covered populations, leveraging affordable and reliable broadband Internet, then prepare (train) our covered population clients to participate in the "Digital Economy", by way of good paying work from home "Digital Jobs"- solving the Digital Divide.
Interested? Please complete below form, or click this to schedule Community Partner "deep dive"